Death after asbestos exposure: Correlation is not causation (again)

HM Area Coroner for Cumbria v Leech [2023] EWHC 3476 (Admin) In the wake of the Wandsworth decision (see our earlier blog post here) in which the High Court emphasised how correlation is not causation when dealing with a death from mesothelioma, those who read the above judgment from a s.13 application will be forgiven […]

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Review adds teeth to Prevention of Future Death reporting

The recommendations arising from the project led by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody (IAPDC)[1] with support from the Chief Coroner’s Office: ‘ “More than a paper exercise” – Enhancing the impact of Prevention of Future Death Reports’ (here), are to be widely welcomed.  Indeed, it could be seen as a call to government […]

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No costs awarded against a neutral coroner where new evidence had been obtained by the Attorney General

Davison v HM Senior Coroner for Hertfordshire [2022] EWHC 2343 (Admin) There is little new law in an inquest being quashed and a fresh inquest being ordered after new expert evidence has been obtained.  What is particularly unusual in this case is that the independent expert evidence upon which the s.13 application was founded was […]

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Disentangling the general Article 2 ECHR duty

R (Patton) v Assistant Coroner for Carmarthenshire & Pembrokeshire [1] [2022] EWHC 1377 (Admin) Consideration of the, still evolving, Art 2 procedural duty in respect of inquests will often demand an intricate analysis of several different strands from judicial precedents that then need to be woven together to establish a nuanced legal tapestry. The difficulty […]

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