Geoff Gray Inquest: PFD report directed at the Chief Coroner

Inquest into the death of Geoff Gray, 20.6.2019 (Findings of fact) In what must be a coronial first an assistant coroner has issued a ‘PFD report’[1] (available here) directed at the Chief Coroner suggesting he may be able to take action himself to prevent future deaths by issuing guidance to coroners regarding post-mortem investigations after […]

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Cheryl James Inquest – Deepcut Barracks – factual findings and a conclusion of ‘suicide’ handed down

Bridget Dolan QC and Jamie Mathieson were counsel to the inquest into the death of Private Cheryl James in 1995 at Deepcut Barracks which ended on 3 June 2016. The judge’s 100 page findings of fact, addressing the circumstances of the death and the culture and procedures at the camp, can be found here. John […]

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Eystna Blunnie: Cecily White appears for Essex Police in re-opened 14 day inquest

Cecily White acted for Essex Police in the Article 2 inquest into the tragic death of Eystna Blunnie, who was killed by her former partner.  The jury made no criticisms of the police response and returned a conclusion of unlawful killing. Ms Blunnie’s father, Kevin Blunnie, commented: “We feel a full and proper investigation into the […]

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Claire Watson represents the Metropolitan Police in inquest into Tunisian terrorist shootings

On 26 June 2015 38 people were killed in a terrorist attack whilst on holiday in Sousse, Tunisia. Claire Watson has been retained to act in this inquest held at the Royal Courts of Justice which is expected to last for seven weeks. The Metropolitan Police are assisting the Coroner, HHJ Loraine-Smith, with his investigation into the […]

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